“Above all else do no harm...”
The above quote comes from the Hippocratic Oath, but it could very aptly describe the Naturally Fiji philosophy, all the way from what how we manufacture our products to the benefits, our products provide. Naturally Fiji started with a simple mission; to use entirely wholesome production methods to produce the highest quality all natural products available in Fiji Islands. With this confidence, Naturally Fiji released it’s first product, a coconut oil soap bar with immediate success.

Meeting future demand
The overwhelming response to our quality soap proved exactly what we had believed, that fiji was indeed ready for premium skin care options. Soon after, we developed our complementary soap line and still later introduced our line of successful premium quality oils. Naturally Fiji remains today as committed as ever to providing the ultimate in pure and natural products that capture the essence of Fiji. We will continue to offer a wholesome path back to nature.